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Development history of heat exchangers

Date:2019/04/03Type:Industry News

   A heat exchanger is an energy-saving device that achieves heat transfer between materials between two or more fluids at different temperatures. It transfers heat from a higher temperature fluid to a lower temperature fluid, allowing the fluid temperature to meet the process requirements, and is also one of the main devices for improving energy utilization efficiency. The heat exchanger industry involves nearly 30 industries, including HVAC, pressure vessels, reclaimed water treatment equipment, chemical engineering, and petroleum, forming an industrial chain with each other.

   The data shows that the market size of China's heat exchanger industry in 2010 was around 50 billion yuan, mainly concentrated in fields such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electricity, shipbuilding, central heating, refrigeration and air conditioning, machinery, food, pharmaceuticals, etc. Among them, the petrochemical industry remains the largest market in the heat exchanger industry, with a market size of 15 billion yuan; The market size of heat exchangers in the field of power metallurgy is around 8 billion yuan; The market size of heat exchangers in the shipbuilding industry is over 4 billion yuan; The market size of heat exchangers in the mechanical industry is approximately 4 billion yuan; The market size of heat exchangers in the central heating industry exceeds 3 billion yuan, and the food industry also has a market of nearly 3 billion yuan. In addition, a large number of professional heat exchangers are needed in fields such as aerospace vehicles, semiconductor devices, nuclear conventional islands, wind turbines, solar photovoltaic power generation, and polycrystalline silicon production, with a market size of approximately 13 billion yuan. The domestic heat exchanger industry has achieved significant results in research on energy conservation and efficiency enhancement, improving heat transfer efficiency, reducing heat transfer area, reducing pressure drop, and improving device thermal strength. Based on the stable growth in demand for heat exchangers in industries such as petroleum, chemical, power, metallurgy, shipbuilding, machinery, food, and pharmaceuticals, China's heat exchanger industry will maintain stable growth in the future. From 2011 to 2020, China's heat exchanger industry will maintain an average annual growth rate of about 10-15%, and the scale of China's heat exchanger industry is expected to reach 150 billion yuan by 2020.