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Hybrid heat exchanger

Date:2019/04/03Type:Industry News

    Hybrid heat exchangers rely on direct contact between cold and hot fluids for heat transfer. This heat transfer method avoids fouling and thermal resistance on the heat transfer wall and its sides. As long as the contact between the fluids is good, there is a large heat transfer rate. Therefore, in situations where fluid mixing is allowed, hybrid heat exchangers can be used, such as gas washing and cooling, circulating water cooling, steam water mixing heating, steam condensation and so on.

    It is widely used in chemical and metallurgical enterprises, power engineering, air conditioning engineering, and many other production departments. According to different purposes, hybrid heat exchangers can be divided into the following types: cooling towers (also as known as cold water towers). In this equipment, natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation methods are used to cool the water that has already been raised in production and then recycle it to improve the economic efficiency of the system.

    For example, circulating water from thermal power plants or nuclear power plants, cooling water from synthetic ammonia production, etc., is recycled after being cooled by a water cooling tower. This method has been widely used in practical engineering. Gas washing towers (also known as washing towers) are used in industry to wash gases for various purposes, such as using liquids to absorb certain components in gas mixtures, removing dust from the gas, and humidification or drying of the gas.

    But its most widespread use for cooling gases, and the liquid used for cooling is mostly water. The spray chamber widely used in air conditioning engineering can be considered as a special form of it. The spray chamber can not only cool the air like a gas washing tower, but also heat it up. However, it also has disadvantages such as high water quality requirements, large floor area, and high energy consumption of water pumps: therefore, in general buildings, spray rooms are no longer commonly used or only used as humidification equipment.

    However, it is still widely used in textile factories, cigarette factories, and other industries with the main purpose of regulating humidity! In this type of equipment, a jet heat exchanger sprays high pressure fluid out of the nozzle, forming a high velocity. Low pressure fluid is introduced into the mixing chamber and directly contacts the jet for heat transfer, and together enters the diffusion tube. it will be sent to the user after reaching the same pressure and temperature at the outlet of the diffusion tube. A hybrid condenser is a device that condenses steam by directly contacting water with steam.