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A delegation from National Taipei University of Taiwan visited our company

Date:2019/07/08Type:Group News

  On July 8th, a delegation from National Taipei University of Taiwan visited our company for guidance. The company's President, Mr. Chen, and General Managers, Xu Bocai and Pan Jianqing, participated in the communication event. The meeting was presided over by Group President Chen.


   At the communication meeting, the CEO of the group warmly welcomed and thanked the visiting delegation from National Taipei University of Taiwan for visiting our company and providing guidance. At the meeting, a representative of the visiting delegation from National Taipei University of Taiwan awarded our company a commemorative gift, and the group president, Mr. Chen, received the gift.

国立台北大学赠送礼物.jpg   During the communication meeting, the general manager of the company introduced the comparison between the local specialty fruit Shenwan pineapple and Taiwan pineapple to the visiting group, and invited them to taste them. While tasting the local cuisine of Shenwan, chat about the improvement plans for the cultural and corporate operations of the two regions. The visiting group entered our company's workshop production line for observation and guidance. The company's general manager provided on-site explanations on the process flow and quality control for the visiting group, got better understanding of both companies.微信图片_201907161126526.jpg

  On-site communication and cooperation between these two enterprises by this communication , and reserve a platform for future enterprise expansion.