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Cooperation between our company and Guangdong Ocean University!

Date:2019/07/25Type:Group News

    On July 21st, the Zhongshan Energy Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Ocean University's industry university research cooperation and talent demand enterprise visit and communication activities were grandly held in our company's conference room. Pan Xinxiang, President of Guangdong Ocean University, Yin Xi, Director of Student Affairs, Yin Xia, Director of Alumni Office, and other relevant leaders attended. Mo Jiebiao, Deputy Director of the Economic and Information Bureau of Shenwan Town, Zhu Minghui, and Xu Baicai, General Manager of Zhongshan Energy Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd., as well as other leaders, participated in the enterprise visit and communication activity. At the industry university research communication meeting, the general manager of Energy Company first warmly welcomed and sincerely thanked the delegation led by President Pan Xinxiang of Guangdong Ocean University for visiting our company to carry out industry university research cooperation and talent demand communication activities. He also reviewed the learning situation at his alma mater Ocean University from 1994 to 1997, and introduced the economic and social development achievements of our Company in recent years. He looked forward to the company relying on Guangdong Ocean University's industry university research cooperation platform, Collaborative innovation promotes the construction of a modern industrial system and promotes high-quality economic and social development.微信图片_201908101117451.jpg  President Pan Xinxiang delivered an enthusiastic speech, expressing sincere gratitude for maintaining a good cooperative relationship with Guangdong Ocean University, providing support and assistance for the school's scientific and technological innovation and talent cultivation. He also gave a detailed introduction to the school's development, professional settings, advantageous disciplines and majors, and provided guidance for the company's business expansion and new market development.微信图片_201908101117452.jpg

The communication activities of research cooperation and talent demand were grandly held on the second floor by Our company and Guangdong Ocean University's industry-university of the Shenwan Town Economic and Trade Conference in Shenwan Town On July 22nd, the 2019. Huo Jintian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Shenwan Town, Li Mingsheng, Chairman of the National People's Congress, Chen Weiqiu, Deputy Mayor of Shenwan Town, Pan Xinxiang, President of Guangdong Ocean University, Yin Xi, Director of Student Affairs Office, Yin Xia, Director of Alumni Office, and a total of 25 leaders from 12 enterprises including Yigao and Jianglong Boat participated in the communication event. At the meeting, the "Guangdong Ocean University Off campus Industry University Research Internship Base Listing Ceremony" was also held. President Pan Xinxiang awarded licenses to 12 enterprises, and our general manager Xu Baicai went on stage to collect them (the first people on the left).640.webp.jpg640.webp (1).jpg640.webp (2).jpg